(36 records found)
rate it unwoundcaterpillar KRS-203 19917"
rate it jean smithcarboni angel wordcore volume three KRS-103 19927"
rate it unwoundkandykornritualsagainsthatingind KRS-205 19927"
rate it heavens to betsythese monsters are real KRS-209 19937"
rate it godheadsilothee friendship village e.p. KRS-211 19937"
rate it the cupid car club, m.p.join our club KRS-215 19937"
rate it karpi'm done KRS-216 19937"
rate it exene cervenkawordcore volume 7 KRS-107 19947"
rate it unwoundmkultra KRS-225 19947"
rate it frumpiesbabies & bunnies ep 19957"
rate it deerhoofthe return of the wood m'lady 19957"
rate it elliott smithneedle in the hay KRS-239 19957"
rate it thronescrushing sitars/bad breath KRS-241 19957"
rate it pussycat trashamore KRS-249 19957"
rate it men's recovery projectbotanica mysteria KRS-251 19957"
rate it bikini killi like fucking KRS-253 19957"
rate it free kittenfree kitten's punks suing punks e.p. KRS-257 19957"
rate it the delta 72on the rocks KRS-247 / DIS-098.5 19967"
rate it unwoundcorpse pose KRS-262 19967"
rate it kareneedokemailorder freak 7" singles club 19987"
No sleeve yet rate it rock*a*teensmailorder freak 7" singles club january KRS-303 19987"
rate it c averagemailorder freak 7" singles club february KRS-304 19987"
rate it red monkeymailorder freak 7" singles club march KRS-305 19987"
rate it lowercasemailorder freak 7" singles club april KRS-306 19987"
No sleeve yet rate it the hangoversmailorder freak 7" singles club may KRS-307 19987"
rate it lake of draculamailorder freak 7" singles club june lake of dracula is... KRS-308 19987"
rate it quasimailorder freak 7" singles club july KRS-309 19987"
No sleeve yet rate it sta-prestmailorder freak 7" singles club august KRS-310 19987"
rate it sue p. foxmailorder freak 7" singles club october refect refect KRS-312 19987"
No sleeve yet rate it small starsmailorder freak 7" singles club november KRS-313 19987"
rate it comet gainmailorder freak 7" singles club september KRS-323 19987"
rate it elliott smithspeed trials KRS-266 19997"
rate it retsinmailorder freak 7" singles club june KRS-328 19997"
rate it slumber partymailorder freak 7" singles club december KRS-334 19997"
rate it sleater-kinneyyou're no rock n' roll fun KRS-364 20007"
rate it numbers adultsplit 7" KRS-440 20057"
OWNER slim moon
ASSOCIATED LABELS pulp, vermiform, lookout!, 5 rue christine
ORIGIN usa washington olympia

origine, provenance, formé à, come from, style, artwork, record sleeve, pochette

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